Publications of Lawrence Henesey

Below are a number of publications that have been published related to my research. I have classified the papers into:

– Books, Book Chapter and Report Studies published

– Journals – peer reviewed and published

– Conference Papers – peer reviewed and Workshops – published

– Articles Published in Industry Journals, Trade Magazines or Newspapers.

Books, Book Chapters and Report Studies

1. Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms and Methods for Improved Predictions for Cryptocurrency in Short-Time Horizons

Henesey, L., Tkach, V., Parkhomenko, P., and Pingali, K. (2024). Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms and Methods for Improved Predictions in Cryptocurrency in Short-Time Horizons. Chapter (8 - September 2024), Cryptocurrencies - Financial Technologies of the Future, (ed. Ireneusz Miciuła), IntechOpen, London, UK.

2. Conceptual Understanding of Convolutional Neural Network

Das, P, Rahaman, A. J., Acharya, B., Sagayam, M., and Henesey, L. (2021). Conceptual Understanding of Convolutional Neural Network – Chapter 1, Pattern Recognition and Machine and Deep Learning for Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications, IET - The Institution of Engineering and Technology Publishing , (eds. Editors: Sagayam, M.K., Henesey, L., de Albuquerque, V. and Edinbarough, I. A), London, UK.

3. Energy-efficient lightweight cryptography for IoT networks

Rajesh, G., Raajini, M., Sagayam, K.M., Sivasangari, A. and Henesey, L. (2020). Energy-efficient lightweight cryptography for IoT networks, Chapter 9 in “Security and privacy issues in IoT devices and sensor networks 1 Edition”, (Eds. Sharma, S.K., Bhushan, B. and Debnath, N.C). Volume 12 in the series, Advances in ubiquitous sensing applications for healthcare (Eds. Dey, N., Ashour, A.S. and Fong, S.J), Published by Elsevier press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN: 978-0-12-821255-4, October 23, 2020, pages 187-207.

4. Conceptual Understanding of Convolutional Neural Network

Das, P, Rahaman, A. J., Acharya, B., Sagayam, M., and Henesey, L. (2021). Conceptual Understanding of Convolutional Neural Network – Chapter 1, Pattern Recognition and Machine and Deep Learning for Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications, IET - The Institution of Engineering and Technology Publishing , (eds. Editors: Sagayam, M.K., Henesey, L., de Albuquerque, V. and Edinbarough, I. A), London, UK.

5. Optimization of SVM Based Hand Gesture Recognition System Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Plant Growth Algorithm

Sagayam, K.M, Suresh, S., Hemanth, J.D., Henesey, L. and Ho, C.C. (2020) Optimization of SVM Based Hand Gesture Recognition System Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Plant Growth Algorithm (Chapter 9). “The Biometric Computing: Recognition & Registration”. Arya, K and Bhadoria, R. (eds). Published by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, UK. ISBN: 978-0-8153-9364-1, pages 185-200.

6. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning for Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications.

Sagayam, K.M., Henesey, L., de Albuquerque, V.H.C., and Edinbarough, I.A., (2020) Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning for Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications. Sagayam, K.M., Henesey, L., et al (Eds). IET/SciTECH. Chapter 1 and Chapter 12.

7. Developing a Strategy for LNG Powered Transport Corridors in the Baltic Sea Region.

Madjidian, J., Dalakis, D., Paulauskas, V., Henesey, L., Ölcer, A.I., Ballini, F., and Kitada, M., (2018) Developing a Strategy for LNG Powered Transport Corridors in the Baltic Sea Region. Trends and Challenges in Maritime Energy Management, WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs Vol. (6), A.I. Ölcer, et al. (eds). Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland. ISBN978-3-319-745756-3, pages 383-399.

8. Image fusion in remote sensing based on sparse sampling method and PCNN techniques.

Nirala, S., Mishara, D., Sagayam, K.M., Ponraj, D.N., Vasanth, X.A., Henesey, L., and Ho, C.C. (2018) Image fusion in remote sensing based on sparse sampling method and PCNN techniques. Machine Learning for Big Data Analysis. MLBDA 2018 (Machine Learning for Big Data Analytics - 2018) –De Grutyer Press.

9. Optimization of HMM based Hand Gesture Recognition System using Hybrid Cuckoo Search Algorithm

Sagayam, M.K., Hemanth, J.D., Vasanth, X.J., Henesey, L and Ho, C.C. (2018) Optimization of HMM based Hand Gesture Recognition System using Hybrid Cuckoo Search Algorithm, in Siddhartha Bhattacharyya (Ed) Hybrid Metaheuristics for Image Analysis, Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland. ISBN13 9783319776248, pages 87-114.

10. Controlling Robotic Arm Based on Virtual Hand Gesture Recognition by using Deep Learning Algorithm

Sagayam, K. M., Viyas, T.V., Ho, C.C. and Henesey, L. (2017) Controlling Robotic Arm Based on Virtual Hand Gesture Recognition by using Deep Learning Algorithm. Biologically Rationalized Computing Techniques for Image Processing Applications, Hemanth and Balas (eds). LNCVB (Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany.

11. Virtual Robotic Arm Control with Hand Gesture Recognition and Deep Learning Strategies

Henesey, L., Sagayam, M.K., Viyas, T.V. and Ho, C.C. (2017) Virtual Robotic Arm Control with Hand Gesture Recognition and Deep Learning Strategies, in Hemanth, D.J. and Estrela. V.V. (Eds) Deep Learning for Image Processing Applications: In Series - Advances in Parallel Computing. IOS press E-BOOK - DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-822-8-50, Vol.31 pages 50-67.

12. Coping with System Sustainability: A Sociocybernetics Model for Social‐Economic System Architecture

Bai, G., and Henesey, L. (2012) Coping with System Sustainability: A Sociocybernetics Model for Social‐Economic System Architecture. Issues in Behavioral Psychology: 2013 Edition, Scholarly Editions 2013, Ed. Ashton Acton. Ch.3 pages. 848-851

13. Tools for faster turn-around times in RoRo Terminal: Case studies from Europe; Karlshamn – Klaipeda Sort Sea Shipping Link

Henesey, L. and Mbiydzenyuy, G. (2010) Tools for faster turn-around times in RoRo Terminal: Case studies from Europe; Karlshamn – Klaipeda Sort Sea Shipping Link. Ports 2010: Building on the Past, Respecting the Future. ASCE – American Society of Civil Engineers. Reston, Virginia, USA ISBN 0-7844-1098-4, 978-0-7844-1098-1, pages 1275-1285

14. Analyzing Transactions Costs in Transport Corridors Using Multi-Agent-Based Simulation

Henesey, L., and Persson, J. A. (2009) Analyzing Transactions Costs in Transport Corridors Using Multi-Agent-Based Simulation, In Bazzan, A.L.C. and Klügl, F. (Eds) Multi-Agent Systems for Traffic and Transportation Engineering, ICI Global, Hershey, PA, USA. Chapter 17, pages 342-356.

15. Multi-Agent Systems for Container Terminal Management. Ph.D. Thesis. No 2006:08

Henesey, L. (2006) Multi-Agent Systems for Container Terminal Management. Ph.D. Thesis. No 2006:08. Department of Systems and Software Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlshamn, Sweden. ISSN 1653-2090, ISBN 91-7295-099-4 or ISBN 978-91-7295-099-3, pages 1-274.

16. Canaveral Port Authority Short Sea Shipping Port Probability Study

MTLA (Maritime Transport and Logistics Advisors) (2005) Canaveral Port Authority Short Sea Shipping Port Probability Study, A study commissioned by the: Canaveral Port Authority with additional 50% funding provided by the: U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration (MARAD) pages 1-137.

17. Agent-Based Approaches to Transport Logistics, Applications of Agent Technology in Traffic and Transportation

Davidsson, P., Henesey, L., Ramstedt, L., Törnquist, J., and Wernstedt, F. (2005) Agent-Based Approaches to Transport Logistics, Applications of Agent Technology in Traffic and Transportation, Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies, Bazzan, Ana; Klügl, Franziska; Ossowski, Sascha (Eds.), Birkhäuser.

18. Enhancing Container Terminal Performance: A Multi Agent Systems Approach, Licentiate Thesis

Henesey, L. (2004) Enhancing Container Terminal Performance: A Multi Agent Systems Approach, Licentiate Thesis. Karlshamn, Sweden. ISBN 91-7295-040-4.

Journals - peer reviewed

1. Sourcing Sustainability Transition in Small and Medium-Sized Ports of the Baltic Sea Region: A Case of Sustainable Futuring with Living Lab

Gerlitz, L., Meyer, C., and Henesey, L. (2024) Sourcing Sustainability Transition in Small and Medium-Sized Ports of the Baltic Sea Region: A Case of Sustainable Futuring with Living Labs. Sustainability. 2024; 16(11):4667.

2. Optimizing Transportation between Sea Ports and Regions by road transport and rail and inland waterway transport means including "last mile" solutions.

Paulauskas, V., Henesey, L., Plačiene, B., Jonkus, M., Paulauskas, D., Barzdžiukas, R., Kaulitsky, A., and Simutis, M. (2022). Optimizing Transportation between Sea Ports and Regions by Road Transport and Rail and Inland Waterway Transport Means Including “Last Mile” Solutions . Applied Sciences, Special Issue Traffic Prediction, and Route Guidance, 12 no. 20: 10652; (registering DOI)

3. A Systematic Review of Literature on Automated Sleep Scoring

Alsolai, H., Quershi, S., Iqbal, S.M.Z., Vanchayoban, S., Henesey, L.E., Lindley, C., and Karrila, S. (2022). A Systematic Review of Literature on Automated Sleep Scoring. IEEE Access. : 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3194145

4. Employing a Long-Short-Term Memory Neural Network to Improve Automatic Sleep Stage Classification of Pharmaco-EEG Profiles.

Alsolai, H., Qureshi, S., Iqbal, S.M.Z., Ameer, A., Cheaha, D., Henesey, L.E., and Karrila, S. (2022). Employing a Long-Short-Term Memory Neural Network to Improve Automatic Sleep Stage Classification of Pharmaco-EEG Profiles. Applied Sciences 12, no. 10: 5248.

5. Cross-Border Capacity Building for Port Ecosystems in Small and Medium -Sized Baltic Ports

Meyer, C., Gerlitz, L., and Henesey, L. (2021) Cross-Border Capacity Building for Port Ecosystems in Small and Medium - Sized Baltic Ports. Journal of European Studies, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California, US. 51 (2) eISSN: 17402379 | ISSN: 00472441.

6. A 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Bacterial Image Classification (Chapter 10)

Mhathesh T.S.R., Andrew J., Sagayam M.K., Henesey L. (2021) A 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Bacterial Image Classification (Chapter 10). In: Peter J., Fernandes S., Alavi A. (eds) Intelligence in Big Data Technologies—Beyond the Hype. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1167. Springer, Singapore.

7. Augmented Reality based Solar System for E-magazine with 3-D audio effect.

Sagayam, K. M., Viyas, T.V., Ho, C.C., and Henesey, L. (2019) "Augmented Reality based Solar System for E-magazine with 3-D audio effect. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, ISSN 1740-2123, E-ISSN 1740-2131, Vol. 15, no 6, p. 524-534.

8. Electronic waybill solutions: a systematic review using the snowball method

Bakhtyar, S. & Henesey, L. (2015) State of the art of electronic waybill solutions: a systematic review using the snowball method. Journal of Special Topics in Information Technology and Management, ISSN 1385-951X, E-ISSN 1573-7667

9. Coping with System Sustainability: A Sociocybernetics Model for Social-Economic System Architecture

Bai, G., and Henesey, L. (2012) Coping with System Sustainability: A Sociocybernetics Model for Social-Economic System Architecture. Journal of Systems Research and Behavioral Science Volume 29, Issue 3, May/June 2012, pages 263-273.

10. Agent Based Simulation Architecture for Evaluating Operational Policies in Transshipping Containers

Henesey, L., Davidsson, P. and Persson, J.A. (2008) Agent Based Simulation Architecture for Evaluating Operational Policies in Transshipping Containers. LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) Vol. 4196, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pages 73-85.

11. Evaluation of Automated Guided Vehicle Systems for Container Terminals Using Multi Agent Based Simulation (Extended from AAMAS ´08 conference)

Henesey, L., Davidsson, P., and Persson, J.A. (2008) Evaluation of Automated Guided Vehicle Systems for Container Terminals Using Multi Agent Based Simulation (Extended from AAMAS ´08 conference). LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) Vol. 5269, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pages 85-96.

12. Agent Based Simulation Architecture for Evaluating Operational Policies in Transshipping Containers.

Henesey, L., Davidsson, P., and Persson, J.A. (2008) Agent Based Simulation Architecture for Evaluating Operational Policies in Transshipping Containers. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Vol 18, Springer. (Published 11 April 2008 at Springer Link Online First), pages 220-238.

13. Agent Based Simulation Architecture for Evaluating Operational Policies in Transshipping Containers, Fourth German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies (MATES 2006)

Henesey, L., Davidsson, P., and Persson, J.A. (2006) Agent Based Simulation Architecture for Evaluating Operational Policies in Transshipping Containers, Fourth German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies (MATES 2006). LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 4196, K. Fischer et al. (Eds), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, pages 73-85.

14. Evaluating Container Terminal Transhipment Operational Policies: An Agent-Based Simulation Approach

Henesey, L., Davidsson, P., and Persson, J.A. (2006) Evaluating Container Terminal Transhipment Operational Policies: An Agent-Based Simulation Approach, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Vol. 5 (9), pages 2090-2098.

15. Application of Transaction Costs in Analyzing Transport Corridors Using Multi-Agent Based Simulation

Henesey, L. (2006) Application of Transaction Costs in Analyzing Transport Corridors Using Multi-Agent Based Simulation. Promet Traffic & Transportation: Scientific Journal on Traffic and Transportation Research. Vol. 18 (2) pages 59-65.

16. Agent-Based Approaches to Transport Logistics

Davidsson, P., Henesey, L., Ramstedt, L., Törnquist, J., and Wernstedt, F. (2005) An Analysis of Agent-Based Approaches to Transport Logistics, Transportation Research: Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 13 (4) Elsevier, pages 255-271.

17. Enemy at the gates: Introduction of Multi-Agents in a Terminal Information Community

Henesey, L., and Törnquist, J. (2002) Enemy at the gates: Introduction of Multi-Agents in a Terminal Information Community, In: C.A. Brebbia, G. Sciutto (Eds) Maritime Engineering & Ports III. WIT Press, London, 2002, pages 23-32. ISBN: 1-85312-923-2.

Conference Papers - peer reviewed and Workshops - published

1. The role of key encapsulation mechanism in end-to-end encryption agility: A case for telemetry data confidentiality

Silonosov, A., and Henesey, L. (2024). The role of key encapsulation mechanism in end-to-end encryption agility: A case for telemetry data confidentiality. Procedia Computer Science, 00, 000–000. Published by Elsevier B.V., iSCSi – Association for Industry Sciences & Computer Sciences Innovation. Paper presented at the iSCSi conference, Porto, Portugal, 29–31 October 2024.

2. Telemetry data sharing based on Attribute-Based Encryption schemes for cloud-based Drone Management system

Silonosov, A., & Henesey, L. (2024). Telemetry Data Sharing Based on Attribute-Based Encryption Schemes for Cloud-Based Drone Management System. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES '24), Article No. 153, pp. 1-8, Vienna, Austria, 30 July–2 August 2024. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, United States. ISBN: 979-8-4007-1718-5.

3. Crypto-Agility Performance Analysis for AIS Data Sharing Confidentiality based on Attribute-Based Encryption

Silonosov, A., and Henesey, L. (2024). Crypto-Agility Performance Analysis for AIS Data Sharing Confidentiality based on Attribute-Based Encryption. In D. C. Wyld & D. Nagamalai (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CCSIT 2024), September 21-22, 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark (Vol. 14, No. 17, pp. xx-xx). Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT). ISBN: 978-1-923107-37-3. ISSN: 2231-5403.

4. Crypto-agility performance analysis for AIS data sharing confidentiality based on attribute-based encryption schemes

Silonosov. A., Henesey, L., and Baranovsky, O. (2024). Crypto-agility performance analysis for AIS data sharing confidentiality based on attribute-based encryption schemes. In Proceedings of International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2024). Dijon, France, July 8 – 10, 2024.

5. Towards cryptographic agility in end-to-end encryption systems for computer generated telemetry data.

Silonosov, A., Baranovskyi, O., & Henesey, L. (2024). Poster: Towards Cryptographic Agility in End-to-End Encryption Systems for Computer-Generated Telemetry Data. In HOTMOBILE '24: Proceedings of the 25th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, San Diego, CA, USA, February 28–29, 2024. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 979-8-4007-0497-0.

6. Decentralized Dispatching for Efficiency in Container Terminals

Henesey, L. and Golias, M. (2024). Decentralized Dispatching for Efficiency in Container Terminals. In Proceedings of Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. National Academies of Sciences, Washington, D.C., January 7 – 11, 2024.

7. How can small and medium ports adopt Port Community Systems and the Implications of the Maritime Single Window for ship data exchange leading to improved port performance for stakeholders within a port community.

Henesey, L. (2023). How can small and medium ports adopt Port Community Systems and the Implications of the Maritime Single Window for ship data exchange leading to improved port performance for stakeholders within a port community. In proceedings of Annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), Long Beach, Ca. US, September 5-8, 2023.

8. Improving Maritime Cybersecurity using Drones and Drone Management: Findings from the SECMAR Project in the South Baltic Region

Henesey, L. and Silonosov, A. (2023). Improving Maritime Cybersecurity using Drones and Drone Management: Findings from the SECMAR Project in the South Baltic Region. In proceedings of Annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), Long Beach, Ca. US, September 5-8, 2023.

9. SECMAR Project: Enhancing Maritime Cybersecurity with Drones and Drone Management in the South Baltic Region

Silonosov, A. and Henesey, (2023). SECMAR Project: Enhancing Maritime Cybersecurity with Drones and Drone Management in the South Baltic Region, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries (COMPIT´23), Drübeck,Germany, 23-25 May 2023, pp. 262-272,Hamburg, Hamburg University of Technology, 2023.

10. Optimizing transportation between ports and the hinterland for decreasing impact to the environment.

Paulauskas, V., Henesey, L., Paulauskas, D., and Simutis, M. (2022). Optimizing transportation between ports and the hinterland for decreasing impact to the environment. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modeling & Simulation (HMS 2022), Paper no. 122. Rome, Italy, Sept 19-21, 2022.

11. Simulating self-organized Energy Efficient Dispatching of Automated Guided Vehicles employing Opportunity Charging.

Henesey, L.. and Golias. (2022) Simulating self-organized Energy Efficient Dispatching of Automated Guided Vehicles employing Opportunity Charging. In proceedings of Annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), Seoul, South Korea, September 13-16, 2022.

12. Machine Learning in Regulatory Compliance Software Systems: An Industrial Case Study (Maritime Industry).

Rezaei, M., Henesey, L., and Silonosov, A., (2022) Machine Learning in Regulatory Compliance Software Systems: An Industrial Case Study (Maritime Industry). In proceedings of Annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), Seoul, South Korea, September 13-16, 2022.

13. Smart Port Development: Benchmarking The Digital Readiness of Ports

Philipp, R., Paulauskas, V., Meyer, C., Henesey, L., and Gerlitz, L. (2021) Paper 58: Smart Port Development: Benchmarking The Digital Readiness of Ports. In Proceedings of RelStat’21 - The 21st International Multi-Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication. Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Latvia) in co-operation with Latvian Academy of Science (Latvia), October 14-15, 2021, (remotely) Riga, Latvia.

14. Reinforcing Innovation and Competitiveness of SMEs by new Maritime Clustering Initiatives in South Baltic Sea Region.

Meyer, C., Gerlitz, L., Henesey, L., and Silonosov, A. (2021) Paper 18: Reinforcing Innovation and Competitiveness of SMEs by new Maritime Clustering Initiatives in South Baltic Sea Region. In Proceedings of RelStat’21 - The 21st International Multi-Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication. Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Latvia) in co-operation with Latvian Academy of Science (Latvia), October 14-15, 2021, (remotely) Riga, Latvia.

15. Smart Ports' Influence on Coastal Sustainability.

Paulauskas, V., Philipp, R., Henesey, L., Paulauskas, D., Sutnikas, A., Meyer, C., Gerlitz, L. , Heine, N., Kozyczkowski, K., Zigus, A., and Silonosov, A. (2021) Smart Ports' Influence on Coastal Sustainability. In Proceeding of 25th Conference of Transport Means. October 6-8, 2021, Kaunas, Lithuania.

16. Port Resilience During Covid-19: Case of Digitalisation Transformation Influencing Innovation in Ports.

Gerlitz, L, Meyer, C., Henesey, L. and Prausse, G. (2020) Port Resilience During Covid-19: Case of Digitalisation Transformation Influencing Innovation in Ports. In Proceedings of RelStat’ 20 - The 20th International Multi-Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication. Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Latvia) in co-operation with Latvian Academy of Science (Latvia), October 14-17, 2020, Riga, Latvia.

17. Forecasting in Repositioning of Empty Containers - Analysis of Machine Learning Approaches

Henesey, L. and Yuan, L. (2020) Forecasting in Repositioning of Empty Containers - Analysis of Machine Learning Approaches. In Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2020 Conference on “Sustainable Development of Shipping and Trade”. June 10-13, 2020, Honk Kong.

18. Port Resilience During Covid-19: Case of Digitalisation Transformation Influencing Innovation in Ports

Gerlitz, L, Meyer, C., Henesey, L. and Prausse, G. (2020) Port Resilience During Covid-19: Case of Digitalisation Transformation Influencing Innovation in Ports. In Proceedings of RelStat’ 20 - The 20th International Multi-Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication. Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Latvia) in co-operation with Latvian Academy of Science (Latvia), October 14-17, 2020, Riga, Latvia.

19. Improved load planning of RoRo vessels by adopting blockchain and internet-of-things

Henesey, L., Lizneva, Y., Philipp, R., Meyer, C., and Gerlitz, L. (2020). Improved load planning of RoRo vessels by adopting blockchain and internet-of-things. In proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modeling & Simulation (HMS 2020), pp. 58-65. Sept 16-18, 2020. DOI:

20. Conceptual Understanding of Convolutional Neural Network Brain Tumor Detection and Classification by MRI Using Biologically InspiredOrthogonal Wavelet Transform and Deep Learning Techniques

Ajesh, F., Ravi, R., Aswathy S. U., and Henesey, L. (2020). Conceptual Understanding of Convolutional Neural Network Brain Tumor Detection and Classification by MRI Using Biologically InspiredOrthogonal Wavelet Transform and Deep Learning Techniques. In proceedings of PRAVR2020 (Pattern Recognition for Augmented and Virtual Reality Using Machine and Deep Learning). May 30, 2020.

21. A 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Bacterial Image Classification, Paper 35

Tsr, M., Andrew, J., Sagayam, M., and Henesey, L. (2019). A 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Bacterial Image Classification, Paper 35. In proceedings of International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing (ICBDCC’19), Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, December 6-7, 2019.

22. Evaluating LNG Bunkering Automation Technology

Henesey, L. and Philips, R. (2019). Evaluating LNG Bunkering Automation Technology. World of Shipping Portugal - An International Research Conference on Maritime Affairs, Estoril, Carcavelos, Portugal, November 21 – 22, 2019.

23. A Multi-Agent system with Blockchain for Container Stacking and Dispatching

Henesey, L., Lizneva, Y., and Anwar, M. (2019). A Multi-Agent system with Blockchain for Container Stacking and Dispatching. In proceedings of (HMS – 2019) The International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modelling and Simulation, Lisbon, Portugal, September 18 – 20, 2019. Awarded Best Paper for the HMS – 2019 Conference.

24. Blockchain with Multi Agent System: case of container stacking management.

Henesey, L. (2019). Blockchain with Multi Agent System: case of container stacking management. In proceedings of Annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), Athens, Greece, June 25 – 28, 2019.

25. LNG Value-Chains in the Baltic Region: Case of the GoLNG project

Henesey, L., Jankowski, S., and Gerlitz, L., (2019). LNG Value-Chains in the Baltic Region: Case of the GoLNG project, In proceedings of Annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), Athens, Greece, June 25 – 28, 2019.

26. Digitalization in Container Terminal Logistics: A Literature Review

Anwar, M. Henesey, L. and Casalichio, E. (2019). Digitalization in Container Terminal Logistics: A Literature Review. In proceedings of Annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), Athens, Greece, June 25 – 28, 2019.

27. The feasibility of blockchain solutions in the maritime industry

Anwar, M. Henesey, L. and Casalichio, E. (2019). The feasibility of blockchain solutions in the maritime industry. In Proceedings of Annual conference of The Nordic Logistics Research Association (NOFOMA), Oslo, Norway, June 13 – 14, 2019.

28. An area efficient 16-QAM transceiver design using Vedic multiplier for wireless applications

Subramaniyam, D., Bruntha, P.M., Sagayam, K.M., Henesey, L., Bestak, R., and Al-Halabi, W. (2019). An area efficient 16-QAM transceiver design using Vedic multiplier for wireless applications. In Proceedings of the 12th WMNC (12th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference), Paris, France, September 11 – 13 , 2019.

29. 3D Scenery Learning on Solar system Using Marker Based Augmented Reality

Sagayam, K.M., Ho, C.C., Henesey,L. and Bestak, R. (2018). 3D Scenery Learning on Solar system Using Marker Based Augmented Reality. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education. Budapest, Hungary, September 17 – 19 , 2018.

30. Developing a LNG Value-Chain in the Baltic Region

Henesey, L., Jankowski, S., and Gerlitz, L., (2018). Developing a LNG Value-Chain in the Baltic Region, In Proceedings of Annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), Mombasa, Kenya, September 11 – 14, 2018.

31. Risk Assessment of Automated technologies for LNG bunkering

Henesey, L., Jankowski, S., and Gerlitz, L., (2018). Risk Assessment of Automated technologies for LNG bunkering, In Proceedings of Annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), Mombasa, Kenya, September 11 – 14, 2018.

32. Optimised Location of LNG Bunkering Stations by using a Graph Theory Approach

Paulauskas, V., Paulauskas, D., Ronkaitytė, I., Henesey, L., Gerlitz, L., Jankowski, S., and Canepa, M., (2018) Optimised Location of LNG Bunkering Stations by using a Graph Theory Approach. In Proceedings of 22nd Transport Means conference (TM-2018), Klaipeda and Trakai, Lithuania. October 3 – 5, 2018

33. Blue and Green Corridor Strategies for Integrating LNG Value Chains in the Baltic Sea Region

Henesey, L., and Gerlitz, L., (2018). Blue and Green Corridor Strategies for Integrating LNG Value Chains in the Baltic Sea Region. In Proceedings of The Jean Monnet symposium on the future of the European port policy, Chios, Greece, June 28 – 29, 2018.

34. Deploying Emulation and Real Time Simulation for Identifying Technologies for Improved Port Supply Chain Performance

Henesey, L. Ports of the Future (2018). Deploying Emulation and Real Time Simulation for Identifying Technologies for Improved Port Supply Chain Performance. In Proceedings of the 5th Biennial Marine Transportation System Research and Technology Conference - Session 2C: Data Analytics: Port Performance. Washington, D.C., June 19 – 21 , 2018. a. Additional information: (Interactive Poster Session on June 20, 2018)

35. 3D Scenery Learning on Solar system Using Marker Based Augmented Reality

Sagayam, K.M., Ponraj, D. N., Ho, C.C., and Henesey, L. (2018). Developing a Graphical User Interface for linking the Backscattering Sensor (BB3) to acquire real – time data. In Proceedings of Future Technologies Conference (FTC-2018), Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 13 – 14, 2018.

36. Developing a Graphical User Interface for linking the Backscattering Sensor (BB3) to acquire real – time data

Sagayam, K.M., Ponraj, D. N., Ho, C.C., and Henesey, L. (2018). Developing a Graphical User Interface for linking the Backscattering Sensor (BB3) to acquire real – time data. In Proceedings of Future Technologies Conference (FTC-2018), Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 13 – 14, 2018.

37. Systematic Literature Review on Inter-Terminal Transportation

Henesey, L. (2018). Systematic Literature Review on Inter-Terminal Transportation. In Proceedings of Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. National Academies of Sciences, Washington, D.C., January 7 – 11, 2018. b. Additional information: (Poster board Session #B422 Systematic Literature Review on Inter-Terminal Transportation 18-03277)

38. Experiences in Resilience for Global Ports and Terminal

Henesey L. (2018). Experiences in Resilience for Global Ports and Terminal. Session 761: Passenger and Freight Intermodal Hubs and Terminals as Critical Infrastructure: Lessons for Resilience. In Proceedings of Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. National Academies of Sciences, Washington, D.C., January 7 – 11, 2018.

39. LNG Supply chain development

Paulauskas, V., Paulauskas, D., Placiene, B., Barzdziukas, R., Maksimavicius, R., Ronkaitytė, L:, Gerlitz, L., Madjidian, J., Jankowski, J., and Henesey, L. (2017). LNG Supply chain development. In Proceedings of Transport Means conference (TM-2017), Kaunas, Lithuania, September 20 – 22, 2017.

40. Developing a Strategy for LNG Powered Transport Corridors in the Baltic Sea Region

Madjidian, J., Gerlitz, L., Paulauskas, V., Henesey, L., Ölcer, A.I., Dalakis, D., Ballini, F.and Kitada, M. (2017). Developing a Strategy for LNG Powered Transport Corridors in the Baltic Sea Region. In Proceedings of Marener 2017 – International Conference on Maritime Energy Management, Malmö, Sweden, January 24 – 25, 2017.

41. A Simulation Study of the Electronic Waybill Service

Bakhtyar, S., Mbiydzenyuy, G., & Henesey, L. (2015). A Simulation Study of the Electronic Waybill Service. In Proceedings of European Modelling Symposium (EMS2015) ©IEEE., Madrid, Spain, October 6-8, 2015.

42. Freight transport prediction using electronic waybills and machine learning

Bakhytar, S. and Henesey, L. (2014). Freight transport prediction using electronic waybills and machine learning. 2014 International Conference on Informative and Cybernetics for Computational Social Systems (ICCSS), IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1488X-CD ISBN: 978-1-4799-4753-9, pages 128 – 133, Qindao, Shandong, China, October 9 – 10, 2014.

43. Using systems dynamic modelling for forecasting global container demand: Case of Country and Port

Henesey, L. (2014). Using systems dynamic modelling for forecasting global container demand: Case of Country and Port. 2014 International Association of Maritime Economics annual conference (IAME 2014), Norfolk, Va. US, July 15 – 18, 2014.

44. Simulating Automated Guided Vehicle in the Transport of Containers.

Henesey, L. Mustansar A.K., and Rashid, A. (2011). Simulating Automated Guided Vehicle in the Transport of Containers. In the Proceedings of the International Maritime Port Technology and Development conference (MTEC), Singapore, April 11 – 13, 2011.

45. A decision support method for analysing a short sea shipping link from a port infrastructure perspective

Mbiydzenyuy, G., Persson, J., and Henesey, L. (2010). A decision support method for analysing a short sea shipping link from a port infrastructure perspective. In the Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Economists (I.A.M.E.) Annual Conference, Session on Short Sea Shipping II, 3-5 September 2003, Lisabon, Portugal, July 7 – 9, 2010.

46. Developing an Information Broker System for Coordinating an Oversize Transport Information Network

Henesey, L. (2011). Developing an Information Broker System for Coordinating an Oversize Transport Information Network. In the Proceedings of 18th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems: Session T31 – Freight Logistics. Orlando, Fl, US, October 16 – 20, 2011.

47. Evaluation of Dispatching Strategies in the Decentralized Coordination of AGVs

Henesey, L. Militant, J and Henesey, A. (2009). Evaluation of Dispatching Strategies in the Decentralized Coordination of AGVs. In the Proceedings of the 16th World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services. Stockholm, Sweden, September 21 – 25, 2009.

48. Evaluation of Automated Guided Vehicle Systems for Container Terminals Using Multi Agent Based Simulation

Henesey, L., Davidsson, P., and Persson, J.A. (2008). Evaluation of Automated Guided Vehicle Systems for Container Terminals Using Multi Agent Based Simulation. In the Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Multi Agent Based Simulations, (held in conjunction with AAMAS’08), Estoril, Portugal, May 12 – 18.

49. Simulation Studies on Transhipment Operations

Hansen, B. and Henesey, L. (2007). Simulation Studies on Transhipment Operations. Proceedings of the MedTrade 2007 conference, St. Julians, Malta, May 17 – 1 8, 2007.

50. Short Sea Shipping and Intermodality: Connecting East and West Case study: Karlshamn-Klaipeda Short Sea Shipping Link

Mbiydzenyuy, G., Henesey, L. (2007). Short Sea Shipping and Intermodality: Connecting East and West Case study: Karlshamn-Klaipeda Short Sea Shipping Link, 4th Annual Baltic Maritime and Trade Summit (BMTS 2007), Tallinn, Estonia, February 27 – 28, 2007.

51. Requirements Analysis of Information Integration of Small and Medium Size Ports with Port Communities using Web Portals: A Swedish Port Perspective

Henesey, A., Sternberg, H., Henesey, L. (2007). Requirements Analysis of Information Integration of Small and Medium Size Ports with Port Communities using Web Portals: A Swedish Port Perspective. Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research, 2007 (WCTR). University of California Berkeley, California, US, June 24 – 28, 2007.

52. Comparison and Evaluation of Two Automated Guided Vehicle Systems in the Transhipment of Containers at a Container Terminal

Henesey, L., Davidsson, P., and Persson, J.A. (2007). Comparison and Evaluation of Two Automated Guided Vehicle Systems in the Transhipment of Containers at a Container Terminal. Proceedings of the MODSIM World Conference 2007, Virginia Beach, Virginia, US, September, 11-13, 2007.

53. Simulation of Operational Policies for Transhipment in a Container Terminal

Henesey, L., Davidsson, P., and Persson, J.A. (2006). Simulation of Operational Policies for Transhipment in a Container Terminal, Proceedings of the 10th World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Multiconference on Circuits, Systems, Communications, and Computers, Athens, Greece, July 10 – 15, 2006.

54. Task Coordination of Automated Guided Vehicles in a Container Terminal

Henesey, L., Aslam, K., and Khurum, M. (2006). Task Coordination of Automated Guided Vehicles in a Container Terminal, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries, Oud Poelgeest, pages 54 – 65, Leiden, The Netherlands May 8-11, 2006.

55. Short Sea Shipping in the United States: Identifying the Prospects and Opportunities

Henesey, L. and Young, M. (2006). Short Sea Shipping in the United States: Identifying the Prospects and Opportunities, TRB's Ports and Channels Committee (AW010) at 85th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 22 - 26, 2006. a. Additional information: (Poster board Session #642 Short Sea Shipping in the United States: Identifying the Prospects and Opportunities)

56. A Simulation Model for Analysing Terminal Management Operations

Henesey, L. (2005). A Simulation Model for Analysing Terminal Management Operations, Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries (COMPIT '05), Hamburg, Germany, May 8 – 11, 2005.

57. A Decision Tool for Identifying the Prospects and Opportunities for Short Sea Shipping

Henesey, L. (2005). A Decision Tool for Identifying the Prospects and Opportunities for Short Sea Shipping, Proceedings of the 3rd Domestic Maritime Conference. Hilton Head SC., US. pages 103-116, April 11 – 12, 2005.

58. Short Sea Shipping Port Probability Study

Yonge, M., Barberesi, B.R., Calcote, R., Donaldson, G., Dow, J., Henesey, L., Kristensen, K. (2005) Short Sea Shipping Port Probability Study. Report Commissioned by US Government; United States Maritime Administration; MARAD pages 1-137. Port Canaveral, May 1, 2005.

59. A Multi Agent Based Simulator for Managing a Container Terminal

Henesey, L. (2004). A Multi Agent Based Simulator for Managing a Container Terminal, Proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2004), pages 291 – 302. Barcelona, Spain, December 16 – 17, 2004.

60. Using Simulation in Berth Planning at a Container Terminal

Henesey, L., Davidsson, P., and Persson, J.A. (2004). Using Simulation in Berth Planning at a Container Terminal, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries (COMPIT´04), Parador Siguënza, Siguënza, Spain.

61. Agent-Based Approaches to Transport Logistics

Davidsson, P. Henesey, L., Ramstedt, L., Törnquist, J. and Wernstedt, F. (2004). Agent-Based Approaches to Transport Logistics, Proceedings of the 3rd international joint conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agents Systems (AAMAS) Workshop on Agents in Traffic and Transportation. New York City, US.

62. Prospects for Short Sea Shipping

Henesey, L and Kerckaert, K. (2004). Prospects for Short Sea Shipping, Proceedings of the 3rd Short Sea Shipping Conference: building a U.S. waterborne intermodal system. Hilton Head SC. US. April 19 – 20 2004, pages 103-116.

63. More than just Piers: a multi-agent system in defining organisation in a seaport terminal management system

Henesey, L. (2003). More than just Piers: a multi-agent system in defining organisation in a seaport terminal management system, Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) (Special Integration Group on Systems Applications to Business and Industry), Crete, Greece. ISBN 0-974073504.

64. Agent-based simulation of stakeholders relations: An approach to sustainable port and terminal management

Henesey, L., Notteboom, T., and Davidsson, P. (2003). Agent-based simulation of stakeholders relations: An approach to sustainable port and terminal management, Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Economists (I.A.M.E.) Annual Conference, 3-5 September 2003, Busan, South Korea - Busan, Korea Maritime University, 2003, p. 314-331

65. Market-Driven Control in Container Terminal Management

Henesey, L., Wernstedt, F., and Davidsson, P. (2003). Market-Driven Control in Container Terminal Management, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries (COMPIT´03), Hamburg, Germany

66. Simulating stakeholders relations in ports: a tool for sustainable port management

Henesey L., Notteboom T. (2003). Simulating stakeholders relations in ports: a tool for sustainable port management. Proceedings of NAV2003, International Conference on Ship and Shipping Research: Session 2: Maritime Transport and Economics, Palermo, Italy.

67. A Market Based Approach to Container Port Terminal Management

Henesey, L., Wernstedt, F., and Davidsson, P. (2002). A Market Based Approach to Container Port Terminal Management, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Workshop (ECAI 2002) - Agent Technologies in Logistics, Lyon, France.

68. A Market Based Approach to Container Port Terminal Management

Henesey, L. (2002). Henesey, L., Wernstedt, F., and Davidsson, P. (2002). A Market Based Approach to Container Port Terminal Management, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Workshop (ECAI 2002) - Agent Technologies in Logistics, Lyon, France. Proceedings of the 26th Terminal Operators Conference (TOC-Europe 2002), Antwerp, Belgium.

Articles Published in Industry Journals, Trade Magazines or Newspapers

1. The RTG Evolution and Electric /Automation Revolution

Henesey, L. (2014) “The RTG Evolution and Electric /Automation Revolution”, World Port Development, MCI communications, London, UK, Issue: June, 2014, pages 31 – 32.

2. E-RTG solutions

Henesey, L. (2014) “E-RTG solutions”, Port Technology International, Maritime Information Services Ltd. London, UK, Edition 64, 2014.

3. Vahle plans will Electrify your port

Henesey L. (2014) “Vahle plans will Electrify your port”, Container Management, 2014

4. Cargo handling research reveals productivity gains for TTS system

Henesey, L. (2011) "Cargo handling research reveals productivity gains for TTS system", Port Technology International. Maritime Information Services Ltd. London, UK. Issue: 36 (26) pages 64 – 65.

5. An automatic choice

Henesey, L. (2010) “An automatic choice”, World Port Development, MCI communications, London, UK, Issue: August/September 2010, pages 21 – 23.

6. A Simulation Model for Analysing Terminal Management Operations

Henesey, L. (2009) “A Simulation Model for Analysing Terminal Management Operations”, Indian Ports and Infrastructure Review, November 2009: Vol 1 Issue 5, pages 7 – 16.

7. Market Driven Control in Container Terminal Management

Henesey, L., Wernstedt, F., and Davidsson, P. (2009) “Market Driven Control in Container Terminal Management”. Indian Ports and Infrastructure Review, November 2009: Vol 1 Issue 5, pages 7 – 14.

8. Putting AGVs to the test

Henesey, L. (2007) “Putting AGVs to the test”, CargoSystems, INFORMA, London UK, Issue: September 2007, pages 43 – 46.