As part of my work in being an Asst. Professor is to share knowledge with others in the form of coaching, lecturing, mentoring, training, and supervising. This education/training is conducted either online or in a physical manner by having interaction in classrooms or workshops. I have prepared a list of courses that I have taught and currently teaching below.
Digital courses

Partly Financed by the EU Interreg South Baltic Programme and via support from the Connect2SmallPorts Project; This course is made available to the public. Elements and best practices are examined in helping port professional and decision makers on how to best apply digital solutions for their everyday needs. Digital Transformation technologies are presented in the context of “real-world” cases. An introduction to the the course is explained. Learning outcomes are presented to help you understand the knowledge and information you will gain.

What drives innovation – in general and for sustainability in specific? It is not money in the first place. Instead, it is the purpose of the company and the value that is stands for and lives. It is when values and beliefs form a culture of openness and trust that innovation can thrive – because people can thrive.
One of the goals of is to leverage on the preservation and development of the various companies, some with a long heritage and traditions, while at the same time providing room for new ideas, bold innovation, and sparkling creativity? This question appears especially urgent as the industry is talking about a paradigm shift and “the times, they are a changin’ faster than ever”. Under the guidance of experts, lecturers, “creative brokers” and partners with CTCC, participants will be guided through an online training that will lead to an individual project.
Pedagogical Experience
Course responsible:
1. Development of courses: Online and Offline. National and International:
(Belgium, China, India, Lithuania, Sweden, UK, UAE, and the US):
- Imperial College, London, UK (2007-2009) and (2023 – )
- Amity University, Dubai (2021)
- Klaipea University, Klaipea, Lithuania (2020- ) The Blue Growth Leaders Academy
- The University of Antwerp, Belgium (2004-2006)
- Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China (2019)
- Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University, Hyderabad, India (2017)
- Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden (2007-2008)
- Jönköpping University, Jönköpping, Sweden (2019)
- Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA (2006-2008)
- UC Berkeley (2016)
Thesis advisor (Belgium, Sweden, and the UK):
Advance Topic advisor
Examiner – Bachelor, Masters, and Ph.D.students (Belgium, India, Sweden, and the UK)
Supervisor – Bachelor, Masters, and Ph.D. students (Belgium, Sweden, and the UK)
Exercise leader/head for small student project teams (software engineering/project supervision.
Customer small student projects
Written papers on pedagogical development
Completed courses in pedagogy “FLUS” (15 ECTS credits), Chalmers University (FEA018)
Completed course on CDIO (7,5 ECTS credits), Blekinge Institute of Technology.
- (2002- Present) Intelligent Decision Support Systems (DPT308), (DVD001), (DVD2530) (DVD2573)
Developed, lectured, managed, and responsible - (2002-2014) Knowledge Engineering and Management (DVD015), (DV2404)
Developed, lectured and managed, and responsible
(2020-present) C2SP – Connect2SmallPorts (
Develop 4 Online courses:
- Blockchain, IoT, and Converging Technologies,
- Design Thinking for Creative Industries,
- Digitalization for Ports, and
- Cyber Maritime Security.
Developed a Portfolio of online courses utilizing 50+ videos and 100+ activities.
- (2018-present) CTCC – Creative Traditional Companies Cooperation (
Online course for Design Thinking, Innovation, and Creativity
I developed a 58-page manual, 8 videos, and 10 activities. Over 400+ students have participated. - (2020 – present) Decision Support Systems (DVD2573)
Developed a fully ONLINE course due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall response from students was 3.7 out of 4. - (2015) Object-oriented programming in C++
Assisted course responsible in classroom and in labs - (2001-2003) Object-oriented programming and data structures with Delphi 5. Managed and responsible
(2001 – present) Decision Support Systems (DPT308), (DVD001), (DVD2530) (DVD2573)
Lectured, Supervision and Course Responsible
(2020-present) C2SP – Connect2SmallPorts (
Lecturer in the following online courses: Design Thinking for Creative Industries, Digitalization for Ports, and Cyber Maritime Security,
(2015 – present) Computer Science Master of Science (DV2415).
Reviewer, Examinator, and Supervision
(2020 – present) Digitalization in Ports, Blockchain, IoT, A. I and Digital Ledger Technologies.
Developed, Administered, and Lectured an online course for 300+ participants/funded by EU project: C2SP – Connect2SmallPorts.
(2018 – present) Creative Innovation Technology & Management
Developed, Administered, and Lectured an online course for 300+ participants/funded by EU project: CTCC – Creative Traditional Companies Cooperation.
(2001-2017) Agent Systems
(2017) C++ Distance Course (DV1520)
Supervision and Course Responsible
(2016) Programming in C++ Course (DV1456)
Supervision and Assistant
(2001-2014) Knowledge Engineering and Management (DVD015), (DV2404)
Lectured, Supervision and Course Responsible
(2015) Technical Presentation (SV1460)
Examination and Lectured
(2008-2009) Intermodal Management, Göteborg University.Lectured
(2006-2015) Port Management (MBA), Old Dominion University.
(2006-2008) Terminal Technology, University of Antwerp.
Lectured and Supervision on Masters Thesis (3x)
(2001-2002) Leadership and work environment (FEA001).
(2002) Spatial Planning.
(2001) Applied Artificial Intelligence (DPT302).
(2000) Foundation to Information management (DVD103).
Lectured and supervision
(2005- Present) Ph.D. Thesis Supervision
Ph.D. primary supervisor (*principal supervisor):
1. Alexandr Silonosov (2022 – 2027) PhD Thesis: Security as a Service. Will handle the day-to-day supervision of this student for the first three years leading to a Licentiate. The goal is to apply for additional funding and assist the Ph.D. student to defend a PhD
2. Mahwish Anwar (2018-2020) PhD Thesis: Digital Ports. Will handle the day-to-day supervision of this student for the first three years leading to a Licentiate. The goal is to apply for additional funding and assist the Ph.D. student to defend a Ph.D.
3. Bakhtyar Shoaib (2015) PhD Thesis: Electronic Waybills and services. Handled the day-to-day supervision of this student for the final two years as his supervisors left him and the university did not financially support him in his last year. We co-wrote three papers for publication, and he defended his Ph.D. with success in May 2016.
Ph.D. secondary supervisor:
4. Xinying, Su (2006) – Prof. Dr. Gerrit K. Janssens, Operations Management and Logistics, Limburg University Centre, Limburg, Belgium. I was invited by Prof. Janssens to help his Ph.D. student and help her with simulation using my software that was developed as part of my Ph.D. studies called, SimPort. This supervision was terminated on 2008 due to the student decided to terminate her studies.
5. Rosso, Violetta (2008) – Prof. Dr. Kent Lumdsden Department of Transportation & Logistics Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden. I was invited by Prof. Lumsden to help this student on finalising her work on Dry Ports. I reviewed and made suggestions to the student, such as applyng more quantitiative work and perhaps simulation. Unfortunately, later in the year the student decided that this was too challenging and our collaboration ended in 1 year. The student did defend her thesis with success.
6. Panagiotis Angeloudis (2008) – Prof. Dr. Michael Bell, Department of Civil Engineering, Imperial College, London, UK. I was invited by Dr. Bell to assist with Panagiotis Angeloudis in reviewing his paper and on further developing an AGV simulator for Container Terminals. I was later asked to be a Board Member of PortTec research group at Imperial College.
7. Jacob Panneerselvam (2017) – I was invited by Dr. Ingrid Rügge at University of Bremen, Germany to help with supervising the student on his research on LNG Automation. Bunkering Principles due to that I had assisted him partly when he submitted his master thesis at University of Klaipeda with Dr. Vytautus Paulaskas. The student is still pursuing with a plan to defend in 2021.
PhD. examiner
8. Thusnavis Bella Mary I. (2019) Certain Investigations On Image Retrieval Using Statistical Methods And Hybrid Optimization Algorithms. PhD Thesis no. 1121053038/Ph.D./AR7. Invited by Prof. Dr. K.P. Jaya, Director of Research. Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India 600 025.
9. Devapriya S. (2020) Energy Efficient Spectrum Sensing For Cognitive Radio Network. PhD Thesis no. 2010S4012001. Invited by Prof. Dr. K.P. Jaya, Director of Research. Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India 600 025.
10. Thilagavathi, K. (2020) ”Certain Investigation on Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Deep Learning Techniques. PhD Thesis no. 11210532036/Ph.D./AR7. Invited by Prof. Dr. K.P. Jaya, Director of Research. Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India 600 025.
11. Kumar, Senthil. V. (2020) An Investigation of Maximizing Multiple Mobile Sinks Data Collection and Data Dissemination of Sensors in WSN. PhD Thesis no. 1314469229/Ph.D./AR6. Invited by Prof. Dr. K.P. Jaya, Director of Research. Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India 600 025.
12. Ameen, Nabeena. (2020) Wireless sensor networks. PhD Thesis no. Invited by Dr. L. Arun Raj, Associate Professor, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology |Vandalur |Chennai-48
(54 Thesis completed and 2 to be completed in 2022)
1. Schröder, Kai (2002) Master Thesis: Fluid Finder: A visual tag recognition platform for mobile devices, Master Thesis Electrical Engineering, Saarland University, Germany and Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
2. Chervyakov, A (2003) Master Thesis: Simulation-Based Evaluation of Berth Allocation Policies of Container Terminals, Master Thesis in Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
3. Kosowski, Patrik, and Persson, Olof (2006) Master Thesis; Development and evaluation of dispatching strategies for the IPSI™ AGV system, Master’s Thesis Software Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
4. Mbiydzenyuy, Gideon (2007) Master Thesis; An Optimization Model for Sea Port Equipment Configuration Case study: Karlshamn-Klaipeda Short Sea Shipping Link, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
5. Gili, Carla, and Soler, Estefanía (2007) Master Thesis; Comparison and Evaluation of Different Types of Vehicles to Transport Containers within an Intermodal Terminal: Case study: Port of Barcelona, Master Thesis Engineering Speciality: Transport Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
6. Santamaría, Diego and de Ramón, Álvaro (2008) Master Thesis; Data Mining Web-Tool Prototype Using Monte Carlo Simulations, Master Thesis Software Engineering Thesis no: MSE-2008-20, August 2008. Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
7. Aziz, Yassar and Naeem Aslam, Muhammad (2008) Master Thesis: Traffic Engineering with Multi-Protocol Label Switching: Performance Comparison with IP networks, Master Thesis Computer Science. Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
8. Pereda Bertran, Joan R. (2008) Master Thesis; Comparison and Evaluation of ContaineTransport Equipment using Simulation: A case study of Barcelona’s Pratt Container Terminal, Master Thesis Engineering Speciality: Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
9. Kaim, Karol (2008) Master Thesis; Modelling and Examining Social Agent Behaviours in Multi-Agent Environment, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden and Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland.
10. Ghaffari Khan, Osama Adnan (2008) Master Thesis; Analysis and Scheduling of machinery in an Intermodal Terminal using the OSPF concept, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
11. Sikandar Bakht, Syed and Qazi Sohail. Ahmad (2008) Master Thesis; A Multi-Agent Web-Based Simulation Model for Evaluating Container Terminal Management, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
12. Jadwiga Górka, Weronika (2008) Master Thesis; Multi Agent usage in decentralized coordination based on Container Terminal AGV traffic management, Master’s Thesis Software Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden and Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland.
13. Amer Rasheed and Mustansar Ali Khan (2009) Master Thesis; Dispatching Strategies to Evaluate Performance for Automated Guided Vehicles in the Transport of Containers. School of Engineering, Master Thesis Software Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
14. Rashid, Rizwan, and Kaleem, Babur (2009) Master Thesis: Evaluating Layouts for Automated Transport System using Simulation Approach, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
15. Asghar Jan, Muhammad (2008) Master Thesis; Adaption of IPTV, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
16. Awais Syed, Ali and Milants, Jan (2009) Master Thesis; Agent-based simulation for C-AGVs at Intermodal Terminal, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
17. Ayub, Yasir and Faruki, Usman (2009) Master Thesis: Container Terminal Operations Modeling through Multi-Agent based Simulation, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
18. Güneş, Serkan (2009) Master Thesis; Investment and Financial Forecasting- A Data Mining Approach on Port Industry, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
19. Mehr Ali Shah, Syed (2009) Master Thesis; Usability assessment Method of the open-source applications Case Study of OpenOffice.Org 3.0, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
20. Muhammad, Saeed, and Ullah, Sami (2009) Master Thesis; Usability Evaluation of Health web portal, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
21. Pawlas, Krzysztof and Zall, Davood (2012) Analysis of Forecasting Methods and Applications of System Dynamics and Genetic Programming: Case Studies on Country Throughput, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
22. Zhang, Pengbo and Zhu, Gang (2013) Requirements and Specifications of ERP systems for SMEs in China. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
23. Shafqat, Adnan (2014) Master Thesis; Mobile Usability of Intelligent Electric Devices, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
24. Zou, Ming (2014) Master Thesis; Industrial Decision Support System with Assistance of 3D Game Engine Case Studies of Visualization and Interaction Design for Wind Power and Port Control System, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
25. Zhang, Pengbo and Xu, Gang (2014) Master Thesis; Requirements and Specifications of ERP systems for SMEs in China Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
26. García Gutiérrez, Enrique (2014) Master Thesis; Outdoor localization system based on Android and ZigBee capable devices Case study: Position estimation of a lost golf ball, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
27. Iqbal, Mubashir (2015) Master Thesis; A Multi-agent Based Model for Inter Terminal Transportation, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
28. Gaj, Mateusz (2015) Master Thesis; Calibration of the Krauss car-following model Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
29. Vadlamud, Jithinchand 2015) Master Thesis; Agent-Based Electronic Documentation Management System, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
30. Kamma, Aditya (2015) Master Thesis; Electronic Documentation of Freight Transport, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
31. Emelie Lindahl (2015) Master Thesis; Carlsberg Beer warehousing and Logistics, Master’s Thesis Industrial Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
32. Jonas Hantoft (2015) Master Thesis; Dynapac supermarket optimisation, Master’s Thesis Industrial Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
33. Cal Krzysztof (2015) Master Thesis; Evaluation of quality of algorithms for planning communication metropolitan network, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
34. Faheem Abbas (2015) Master Thesis; Applying Auction Based Stacking Algorithms in Improving Performance, Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
35. Omar Nassor (2015) Master Thesis; Web-Based Decision Support System for Women’s NGOs: Tanzania as a case study. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
36. Apuroop Paleti (2016) Master Thesis; Performance Evaluation of Path Planning Algorithms for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
37. Qin Jiangcheng (2016) Master Thesis; User Behavior Trust-Based Cloud Computing Access Control Model. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
38. Siva Venkata Prasad Patta (2017) Master Thesis; Intelligent Decision Support for Compliance Options. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
39. Tejaswi Nunna (2017) Master Thesis; Performance Analysis on Hybrid and Exact methods for solving Clustered VRP A Comparative Study on VRP Algorithms. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
40. Sri Harsah Arakatavemula (2018) Master Thesis; CyberSecurity in the Maritime Industry. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
41. Aniruddh Goteti (2018) Master Thesis; Data-Driven Decision Support Tool for Preliminary Design of Autonomous Machines.
42. Gazi Samia Ahmed (2019) Master Thesis; Liner ship route schedule design with port time windows for LNG bunkering operations. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
43. Hangdong Chen (Tony) (2019) Master Thesis; Exploring whether Blockchain can enhance the efficiency of small ports. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
44. Kushang Patel (2019) Master Thesis; Introducing of Blockchain in Logistics. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
45. Venkata Sai Teja Pennada (2019) Master Thesis; Concept of blockchain and cryptocurrency in digital supply chains that use multi-agent systemsUse Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
46. Yanveer Feisal Snigdho (2019) Master Thesis; Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
47. Yuan Liu (2019) Master Thesis; Machine Learning Approach to forecast empty container volumes. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
48. Qinyang Hu (2019) Master Thesis; Deployment Cost Evaluation of a blockchain application in Blockchain-as-a-Service Environment. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
49. Aleksandr Silonosov (2020) The effectiveness of FIDO identity for user multi-factor authentication in comparison with digital certificates in Directory Services network. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
50. Chakri Patamsetti (2020) INLO-CART: Intelligent Approaches for Laytime Optimization and Cargo Routing to ensure On-time Delivery in Supply Chain. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
51. Annapureddy Sruthi and Immella Srinivas Sai Charan (2020) Detection of ships from SAR satellite imagery using CNN. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
52. Venkata Sai Sukesh Settipalli and Naga Manendra Kumar Dasireddy (2020) Measuring Toxicity in Text Conversations with an emphasis on reducing Unintended Model Bias. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
53. Maryam Rezaei (2021) Designing and evaluating the integrated model of DevOps and Blockchain technology for AI-based regulatory compliance systems. Master’s Thesis Software Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology.
54. Andrii Yaitskyi (2022) Employing of Machine Learning technologies for detection of Phishing URLs. Master’s Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
(3 Thesis/Groups completed)
1. Sykes, Jeremy (2006) Master Thesis; A Survey of Short Sea Shipping, Financing, and Use of a Risk Analysis for Evaluating its Potential: a case study for Ports in the United States. Master of Science in Transport and Maritime Management, University of Antwerp – Institute of Transport and Maritime Management Antwerp, Belgium.
2. Vander Eecken, Henry (2007) Master Thesis; Lessons learned from the European maritime policies and experience for the stimulation of Short Sea Shipping in the United States, Master of Science in Transport and Maritime Management, University of Antwerp – Institute of Transport and Maritime Management Antwerp, Belgium.
3. Dal Won, Kang (2008) Master Thesis; Fully Automated Container Handling Systems for Container Terminals (The case of Pusan New port), Master of Science in Transport and Maritime Management, University of Antwerp – Institute of Transport and Maritime Management Antwerp, Belgium.
(11 Thesis/Groups completed in 2022)
1. Miklovicz, Johan and Nilsson, Johan (2002). The Enemy within internal computer crimes, Bachelor Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
2. Bolmsten, Johan and Andersson, Martin (2002). Findign the right knowledge: Acase study in knowledge mapping, Bachelor Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
3. Chervyakov, Anatoly and Hellström, Andreas (2002). Global Software Development, Bachelor Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
4. Sörensson Christian and Johnsson, Andrea (2002). UTMS vs GSM, Bachelor Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
5. Petersson, Linus (2003). Peer-To-Peer – time to lock the door. Bachelor Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
6. Nilsson, Björn and Stålbäck, Daniel (2003). VPN technique in a Wireless Local Area Network, WLAN, Bachelor Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
7. Bragvad, Magdalena and Kocacenk, Selda (2003). VodafoneLive! vs I-mode, Bachelor Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
8. Sebastian Genlund (2015). Using AI in developing Games, Bachelor Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
9. Yulia Lizneva (2020). Digitalization Architectures in Seaports, Bachelor Thesis Software Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
10. Victor Falkengaard Itzel (2020). Optimizing the Midpoint-Displacement Algorithm for Large Spaces in Three Dimension. Bachelor Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
11. Akula Tejasvi and Pamisetty Varshitha (2022) Text Steganalysis Based on Convolutional Neural Networks, Bachelor Thesis Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
• Member of Swedish ITS – Intelligent Transportation Systems, PhD school 2010 – 2017.
• International Coordinator at Blekinge Institute of Technology 2006- 2010.
• International Coordinator for Computer Science Department at Blekinge Institute of Technology 2007.
• Member of Hellenic Transportation Society 2002.
• Member on the Ph.D. student council at Blekinge Institute of Technology 2002-2006.
• Member of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity 1989.
• Member of Association of Computer Machinery 2001.
• Member of Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society 2001.
• Member of Society of Computer Simulation 2002.
• Who’s Who 2003 – 2016
• Member of Transportation Research Board – committee on waterways and channels (AW10) 2016 – present.